Welcome to Center for Better Life
A Community Based Adult Services Healthcare Center
About Our Center

At Center for Better Life, we understand the importance of choosing the right Adult Day Health Center for your loved ones. For over two decades, our team of licensed RNs, dieticians, social workers, and therapists has been working together with our participants to ensure their needs are met in a well-rounded manner.
We dedicate ourselves to the highest standards of providing healthcare services in the local community.
We are here to serve you! Find out if you qualify by reaching out today.
We accept:
LA Care, Blue Cross, Care 1st, Health Net, Kaiser and Molina.
전문간호사들이 주치의 처방에 따라 일대일 건강관리 및 투약서비스를 제공합니다.
전문 치료사가 물리재활 치료, 통증치료, 보행장애 치료, 운동치료 등을 통해 독립된 생활을 하실 수 있도록 도와 드립니다.
우울증, 치매성 질환 환자를 위해 심리상담 치료와 오락치료를 제공합니다.
전문영양사와 일류요리사가 준비한 영양식단을 통해 아침식사, 간식, 점심식사를 제공합니다.
영어가 불편한 분께 고지서 관리, 웰페어 및 메디칼/메디케어 관련 서류 등을 통역/번역해드립니다.
보행이 불편한 분, 대소변 볼때 도움이 필요한 분도 정성껏 모십니다. 제휴 보험회사:
LA Care, Blue Cross, Care 1st, Health Net, Kaiser, Molina
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What is CBAS?
The CBAS (Community-Based Adult Services) program was formerly known as Adult Day Health Care in California until 2015.
The ADHC program was previously funded by the State of California as a General Relief program with subsidized funds from the federal government. It was a state-optional program until it transitioned to a federally mandated program under the Medicaid Waiver 1115, following the adoption of new laws in California.
CBAS is a community-based, long-term health care service for adults aged 18 or older. At the CBAS center, participants receive day care services provided by a team consisting of a registered nurse, social worker, physical/occupational therapist, therapeutic activity coordinator, registered dietitian, and meals, for a minimum of four hours per day. This service is provided for six months, contingent on the approval of the Individual Care Plan (IPC) and Treatment Authorization Request (TAR) by the managed care health plan of each participant. Upon request by the participant, a new IPC and TAR will be submitted to the HMO for approval of continued care for the next six months, after the participant’s PCP (Primary Care Provider) recommends it again and the CBAS center’s multidisciplinary team drafts a care plan. The services can be extended by the HMO every six months thereafter, pending their review.
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Services We Provide

Professional Nursing Services
Social Services
Physical/Occupational Therapies
Monitoring vitals (blood pressure, heartrate, blood sugar)
Wound/injury care
Monitoring weight and diet
Medication management
Monitoring ADL and general wellness
Case management
Assisting with transportation and appointment set-up
Referrals for necessary treatments
Working with patient and their family to create tailored, effective treatment plans
- Resistance band exercises
- Yoga
- On-site gym and exercise machines
- Staff-led Sittercise

Center Activities

Counseling and Mental Wellness

Diet and Transportation Services
Musical Activities: Singing lessons, Ukulele lessons, Karaoke, Dance Lessons
Arts and Crafts
Sudoku Class
Cell Phone Literacy Class
Daily Bingo and billiards
Monitoring and providing mental health support
Individual and Group Therapy
Referrals to necessary medical/mental health providers
Transportation in areas nearby the center
Help with getting transportation services such as Access
Breakfast and Lunch is served daily
Nutrient-dense meals and dietary accommodations